Bab 12 : Akhir Zaman Yang Dijanjikan

PARA peramal zaman dari berbagai bangsa, menggunakan berbagai bahasa serta berbagai cara, turut membenarkan apa yang Rasulullah SAW sabdakan perihal akhir zaman. Yakni akhir zaman adalah untuk Islam. Paling masyhur ialah peramal Yahudi, Nasrani dan peramal dari Jawa.
Siapa yang tidak tahu tentang ramalan Nostradamus (Yahudi Perancis) tentang tokoh penyelamat yang memakai serban biru {the man with the blue turban). Demikian juga seorang penulis Belanda G.H. Brill dalam bukunya, The First Encyclopedia of Islam (1913), juga menceritakan tentang kebangkitan Islam di Timur oleh ‘the standard bearer of Mahdi’ (Pembawa panji-panji Mahdi). Dan dalam kitab orang Jawa yang terkenal iaitu Babad Jawa, ramalan oleh paranormal (nujum) tentang kedatangan Ratu Adil (Imam Mahdi) dan Satria Piningit (Putera Bani Tamim) yang akan memerintah Indonesia dan Nusantara dengan ajaran Islam mumi.
Biar saya salinkan di sini perkataan peramal Jawa itu, seperti yang disebutkan oleh Permadi SH, Ketua Yayasan Paranormal Indonesia:Permadi SH, nama yang sudah tidak asing lagi di Indonesia. Beliau menyebut dengan jelas Satria Piningit, tokoh yang menghantar kepada Ratu Adil. Sebelumnya ada Satria Kinunjara dan Satria Mukti Wibawa.”Satria Kinunjara, tokoh yang hidupnya banyak dalam penjara dan yang membebaskan Nusantara dari penjajahan.”Itulah Soekarno. Beliau menyebut dengan terang dia (Satria Piningit) adalah pengkagum dan penyambung lidah Soekarno.

“Satria Mukti Wibawa, tokoh yang mengisi kemerdekaan dan berwibawa.” Itulah Soeharto. Tetapi beliau menyebut di sini masih zaman edan, zaman kacau-bilau, keadilan belum tertegak sampailah datang Satria Piningit.

Satria Piningit, satria yang dipingit jati dirinya. Dia ada bagaikan tiada. Dikatakan tiada tetapi dia ada. Ertinya, dia dipelihara oleh Tuhan. Kehidupan di kelilingi oleh penzaliman seperti ulat yang mengerumuni seluruh tubuh.

Di satu pihak, ada watak baik Soekarno padanya. Di satu pihak yang lain, ada watak baik Soeharto padanya. Dia berani, lantang tetapi tenang dan berstrategi. Oleh itu beliau menyebut gabungan Soekarno dan Soeharto.

Kedatangannya menyatukan Malaysia dan Indonesia. Bahkan menyambung kejayaan mempersatukan Nusantara di bawah kerajaan Majapahit dahulu. Dahulu dengan Hindu-Buddha, sekarang Nusantara akan kembali bersatu di bawah satu payung iaitu Islam murni.

Dan beliau juga menyebut giliran ras Melayu tampil memimpin dunia. Api Islam itu akan muncul bermula di alam Melayu, terus menerangi seluruh dunia.

Tanda-tanda sudah sangat jelas dan sudah sangat dekat munculnya Satria Piningit. Dia akan muncul pada waktu yang diperlukan.

Mirip sekali ramalan beliau ini dengan apa yang diucapkan oleh peramal-peramal Yahudi, Nasrani serta penulis Belanda tadi. Sesungguhnya Allah SWT telah meratakan khabar gemilang perihal kebangkitan Islam akhir zaman kepada segenap bangsa dan bahasa. Hampir semua bangsa telah mendengarnya. Ia menjadi khabar gembira kepada umat Islam di dunia. Manakala pada yang memusuhi Islam, mereka sangat waspada dan dukacita.

Namun ia pasti terjadi. Allah SWT sendiri yang menjanjikan yang disampaikan oleh lidah RasulNya yang mulia. Maka ia pasti terjadi.

Mari kita tatap Hadis tersebut yang telah berumur lebih 1500 tahun. Melintasi perjalanan zaman yang panjang untuk diwariskan kepada umat akhir zaman. Bahawa Allah tidak melupakan hamba-Nya umat rasul yang akhir. Lalu dikirimkan berita dan Hadis yang besar serta sangat berharga. Inilah Hadisnya:

Maksudnya: Dari Abdullah bin Mas’ud, dia berkala: Ketika kami berada di sisi Rasulullah SAW tiba-tiba datang sekumpulan anak-anak muda dari kalangan Bani Hasyim. Apabila terpandang akan mereka, maka kedua mata Rasulullah SAW berlinang air mata dan wajah baginda berubah. Aku pun bertanya, “Mengapa kami melihat pada wajahmu sesuatu yang tidak menyenangkan?”

Baginda menjawab. “Kami Ahlul Bait telah Allah SWT pilih untuk kami Akhirat lebih dari dunia. Kaum kerabatku akan menerima bencana dan penyingkiran selepasku kelak sehinggalah datang satu kaum dari sebelah Timur dengan membawa bersama-sama mereka panji-panji hitam. Mereka meminta kebaikan tetapi tidak diberikannya. Maka mereka pun berjuang dan akhirnya dibantu dan beroleh kejayaan lalu diberikanlah apa yang mereka minta tetapi mereka tidak menerimanya secara mutlak sehinggalah mereka menyerahkannya (daulah) kepada seorang lelaki dari kaum kerabatku yang memenuhi bumi dengan keadilan sebagaimana ia dipenuhi (sebelumnya) dengan kedurjanaan. Sesiapa di antara kamu yang mendapat berita mengenainya, maka datangilah mereka walaupun merangkak di atas salji. Sesungguhnya dia adalah Al Mahdi.” (Riwayat Ibnu Majah)

Dalam Hadis lain:

Maksudnya: “Daripada Ibnu Umar bahawa Nabi SAW sambil memegang tangan Sayidina Ali k.w. baginda bersabda: “Akan keluar dari sulbi ini seorang pemuda yang akan memenuhi bumi ini dengan keadilan. Maka apabila kamu ingin melihat demikian itu, hendaklah kamu bersama-sama Pemuda At Tamimi (Putera Bani Tamim). Sesungguhnya dia datang dari sebelah Timur dan dialah pemegang panji-panji Al Mahdi.” (Riwayat At Tabrani)

Pada orang yang menganggap Hadis ini Hadis Dhaif, saya suka mengajaknya melihat apa yang sedang terjadi di Timur sejak awal kurun ke-15 Hijrah ini. Ya. kebangkitan Islam yang sedang melanda alam Melayu, yang kian mengembang dan membesar walaupun dihalang. Ini adalah satu fenomena aneh! Orang-orang Melayu menjadi pengamal Islam terbaik dan paling menonjol di dunia kini. Walaupun belum sempurna tetapi bukan rahsia lagi. Sedangkan Islam datang ke Nusantara lebih 700 tahun yang lalu, dibawa oleh saudagar-sau-dagar Arab. Tetapi mengapa baru kini, di zaman jahiliah kedua sedang mengganas di dunia, tiba-tiba Islam tumbuh subur di Timur, tidak mati-mati walaupun diracun?

Ya, zaman kebangkitan Islam kali pertama sedang beailang di akhir zaman di sebelah Timur dengan kehendak Allah kerana ianya sudah dijanjikan. Inilah dia akhir zaman yang dijanjikan. Allah berkuasa menjadikan bumi Timur sebagai tapak ummah kedua sepertimana Allah telah memilih Mekah dan Madinah sebagai tapak kebangkitan Islam kali pertama.

Rupa-rupanya akhir zaman yang dimaksudkan ialah sekitar kurun ke-15 Hijrah ini. Dan Timur yang dimaksudkan ialah Gugusan Kepulauan Melayu iaitu Malaysia, Indonesia dan sekitarnya. Kebangkitan di Malaysia nampaknya lebih menonjol. Berdasarkan Hadis tentangnya, disahkan pula oleh para peramal yang saya sebutkan di awal tadi, secara umum ceritanya adalah begini:

Di waktu Islam sedang musnah dan binasa di alam Melayu (Timur), bangunlah seorang manusia yang Allah janjikan untuk menyelamatkan kembali agamaNya. Dia seorang yang berbangsa Quraisy dari Bani Tamim tetapi sudah nipis sekali kearabannya. Kerana seperti yang kita tahu, orang-orang Arab yang datang ke iirnur ini sudah berkahwin dengan orang ajam (bangsa selain Arab), maka tidak pelik kalau Putera Bani Tamim itu sudah nipis Arabnya.

Rasulullah tidak menyebut salasilah tetapi banyak memperkatakan tentang ciri-ciri fizikal Putera Bani Tamim ini serta ciri-ciri perjuangan dan pengikutnya. Sebab itu untuk mencari Putera Bani Tamim yang dijanjikan itu, kita carilah ciri-ciri dan stail perjuangannya, bukan salasilahnya.

Dia berjuang mulanya tentu melalui kumpulan kecil tetapi kumpulan atau jemaah atau toifahnya kemudian membesar.

Sifat toifahnya mirip kepada jemaah Rasulullah kerana wanitanya berpakaian serba hitam seperti gagak-gagak hitam. Lelakinya berjubah serban. Pengikutnya sangat berpadu seolah-olah lahir dari satu ibu dan ayah. Cita-cita dan azam mereka kental dan besar. Kalau mereka hendak meratakan gunung sekalipun, dapat mereka lakukan. Rasulullah SAW dalam Hadis yang panjang menyebut malaikat Jibril a.s. sebagai berkata yang bermaksud:

“Maka Allah Azzawajalla mengumpulkan sahabatnya (Al Mahdi) sejumlah ahli perang Badar dan tentera Thalut iaitu 313 lelaki. Mereka bagaikan singa yang keluar dari hutan, hati mereka bagaikan besi waja, kalau mereka bercita-cita untuk mengubah gunung nescaya boleh dilakukannya. Gaya mereka adalah satu dan pakaian mereka juga satu, seolah-olah bapa mereka bapa yang satu.” (Dipetik dari kitab Aqdud Durar fi Akhbar Al Muntazar tahun 1983 m.s. 95)

Dia (Putera Bani Tamim) meminta kebaikan dari penguasa negara di mana dia berjuang, tetapi tidak diberikan. Namun dia dan pengikut-pengikutnya terus berjuang hingga akhirnya berjaya negara itu diserahkan padanya. Ertinya toifah kecil itu telah membesar ke peringkat daulah Islamiah.

Terdapat juga Hadis yang menyebut Putera Bani Tamim juga diterima kepimpinannya di Khurasan. Hadis yang dikeluarkan oleh Al Hafiz Abu Nuaim berbunyi:

Maksudnya: Daripada Tsauban r.a., dia telah berkata, telah bersabda Rasulullah SAW: “Apabila kamu lihat panji-panji hitam telah diterima di sebelah Khurasan, maka datangilah ia sekalipun merangkak di atas salji. Kerana sesungguhnya padanya ada khalifah Allah iaitu Al Mahdi.”

Dalam riwayat lain yang hampir sama mengatakan:

“Daripada Tsauban r.a., dia telah berkata, telah bersabda Rasulullah SAW: “Apabila kamu lihat panji-panji hitam datangnya dari sebelah Khurasan, maka datanglah kepadanya. Kerana sesungguhnya padanya ada Khalifah Allah iaitu Al Mahdi.” (Riwayat Ahmad)

Khawariqul ‘adah telah berlaku. Khurasan yang dulunya di bawah jajahan komunis Rusia telah merdeka dan gerakan Islam Timur sudah masuk ke sana. Hampir terjadilah Hadis tentangnya. Benarlah Rasul yang sifatnya benar lagi dibenarkan itu.

Apabila Putera Bani Tamim mendapat daulah, tidak lama selepas itu (dua tahun) zahirlah Imam Mahdi. Orang yang namanya, nama bapa dan nama ibunya sama seperti Rasulullah yakni namanya Muhammad bin Abdullah, ibunya Ami-nah. Tentang Imam Mahdi. Rasulullah mengaitkan dengan baginda dari segi hubungan darah. Maka faktor salasilah Imam Mahdi adalah penting, sebab ia disebutkan di dalam Hadis. Tidak sepertimana Putera Bani Tamim tadi, Rasulullah hanya menyebut tentang ciri-ciri fizikalnya.

Putera Bani Tamim kerana rapat dengan Imam Mahdi seperti rapatnya Nabi Harun dengan Nabi Musa, maka telah menyerahkan kuasa negaranya kepada Imam Mahdi. Peristiwa munculnya Imam Mahdi dan penyerahan panji-panji hitam oleh Putera Bani Tamim kepada Imam Mahdi, jelas disebut dalam Hadis. Dia muncul di Mekah, antara Hajar Aswad dan Maqam Ibrahim, terus mengisytiharkan dirinya sebagai Imam Mahdi. Sedangkan sebelum muncul Imam Mahdi, Putera Bani Tamim sudah lama menghebahkan tentang kelahirannya. Kerana Putera Bani Tamim itu sangat kenal tentang Imam Mahdi. Di sini baru kita tahu bahawa Imam Mahdi mesti didahului oleh Putera Bani Tamim. Jika tidak, dia adalah Al Mahdi palsu.

Penyerahan kuasa daulah kepada Imam Mahdi oleh Putera Bani Tamim dilakukan dengan penyerahan lambang kuasa iaitu panji-panji hitam. Ia adalah sebuah pedang yakni pedang keramat kepunyaan Rasulullah yang pernah dihadiahkan kepada Sayidina Ali iaitu pedang Zulfakar.

Apabila Imam Mahdi berkuasa, maka Islam akan berkembang ke seluruh dunia. Tetapi ramai lagi manusia yang belum Islam hingga turunnya Nabi Isa a.s. Dunia dan manusia seluruhnya akan masuk Islam. Terjadilah keamanan sejagat melalui pemimpin tiga serangkai:

  1. Putera Bani Tamim – memerintah hampir 2 tahun.
  2. Imam Mahdi – memerintah selama 40 tahun.
  3. Dengan rahmat Tuhan didatangkan Nabi Isa a.s. untuk mengesahkan Imam Mahdi agar semua manusia masuk Islam. Ini kerana Nabi Isa a.s. tidak ada orang boleh mempertikaikan. Jadi bila Nabi Isa menerima Imam Mahdi, semua manusia masuk Islam maka selamatlah manusia daripada api Neraka. Itulah dikatakan rahmat Tuhan kepada seluruh manusia.

Peperangan secara tradisional berlaku enam kali di zaman Imam Mahdi. Kesemuanya diundang oleh penguasa-penguasa dunia yang zalim dari Eropah dan Timur Tengah. Lima kali Islam menang dan satu kali kalah. Namun peperangan ini bukan seperti Perang Teluk, yang memusnahkan manusia, bangunan, ternakan dan bumi yang tidak terlibat. Ia hanya membabitkan orang yang berkaitan, seperti perang di zaman Nabi SAW dahulu.

Sejarah pasti berulang. Kita beruntung kerana dengan kasih sayang Allah, diberitahu apa-apa yang bakal terjadi. Bolehlah kita bersiap sedia. Seperti juga peristiwa selepas mati, di alam Barzakh, di Padang Mahsyar, di Syurga, Neraka dan lain-lain lagi, semuanya Allah sudah ceritakan. Supaya kita tidak menyesal nanti. Beruntunglah orang yang direzekikan dengan iman kepada yang ghaib ini. Rugi besarlah orang yang mengingkarinya.

Kebangkitan Islam kali kedua ini tentunya tidak melalui proses dan sistem politik pilihan raya yang ada ini. Kerana Islam ada jalannya sendiri. Rasulullah memilih jalan lain dari jalan-jalan yang ada di zamannya untuk membawa Islam naik. Yakni melalui dakwah, tarbiah, menggunakan wahyu dan Hadis. Dan pendekatan kasih sayang. Bilamana hati dan fi-kiran manusia diproses dengan ilmu wahyu yang agung itu, terjadilah perubahan fikiran, jiwa dan sosial yang merata, yang membawa kepada terbentuknya daulah Islamiah dan terus kepada empayar Islam.

Putera Bani Tamim juga mengikut jejak perjuangan Rasulullah. Kerana dia pemimpin yang ditunjuk oleh Hadis. Dia dijamin diberi bantuan ilmu ilham, dijamin rezekinya, dan diberi keramat atau power yang boleh menghidupkan kembali agama yang sudah rosak binasa ini. Sehingga beliau dapat menegakkan pemerintahan Islam tulen. Putera Bani Tamim. kerana dia dijanjikan, maka dia pasti dapat menegakkan daulah Islamiah tulen mirip salafussoleh, kerana adanya bantuan Allah. Tanpa bantuan-bantuan istimewa dari Allah, pemimpin Islam yang tidak dijanjikan tentu tidak dapat mencipta kejayaan seperti pemimpin yang dijanjikan.

Soalnya, bagaimana Putera Bani Tamim boleh dapat negara tanpa merebutnya melalui pilihan raya? Bahkan bukan pula menjadi cita-citanya?

Oleh kerana janji Allah, maka walaupun Putera Bani Tamim tidak mahu kuasa negara, yakni tidak mengusahakannya, namun Allah pasti berikan. Hal ini terbukti berlaku kepada mujaddid pertama Khalifah Umar Abdul Aziz, yang mana beliau tidak mahu kuasa ineinei Ultah, lapi Allah berikan juga dan beliau terpaksa menerimanya. Allah boleh lakukan dengan apa cara sekalipun, yang tidak terduga oleh akal biasa, untuk menarik dan memberi kuasa kepada siapa yang di-kehendaki-Nya. Lihat firman-Nya dalam surah Ali Imran:

Maksudnya: “Katakanlah: Wahai Tuhan yang mempunyai kerajaan. Engkau berikan kerajaan pada orang yang Engkau kehendaki dan Engkau cabut kerajaan dari orang yang Engkau kehendaki. Engkau muliakan orang yang Engkau kehendaki. Engkau hinakan orang yang Engkau kehendaki. Di tangan Engkaulah segala kebajikan. Sesungguhnya Engkau Maha Kuasa atas segala sesuatu.” (Ali Imran: 26)

Sedangkan perihal Putera Bani Tamim akan dapat mengislamkan daulah serta Nusantara dan akan diteruskan pula oleh Imam Mahdi dan Nabi Isa untuk Islamkan dunia adalah cerita masyhur, disebut oleh manusia dari berbagai bangsa di dunia. Ia merupakan janji istimewa dari Allah dan Rasul untuk umat akhir zaman, tentunya ia cukup mudah untuk berlaku.

Soalnya siapakah Putera Bani Tamim itu? Dan siapa Imam Mahdi?

Untuk mengetahuinya, marilah sama-sama kita tunggu dan lihat, siapa pemimpin Islam di Timur ini yang dapat menguasai sebuah negara di mana-mana negara di kawasan tersebut untuk dijalankan politik dan pemerintahan Islam tulen dengan aman damai. Bilamana terjadi nanti, di sekitar awal kurun ke-15 Hijrah ini, maka orang itulah Putera Bani Tamim. Dan kepada siapa diserahkan kuasa itu kemudiannya, maka orang itulah Imam Mahdi.

Mari kita berdoa ke hadrat Allah supaya janji-Nya itu berlaku untuk kita. Supaya kerinduan kita untuk hidup dalam negara Islam sepertimana para Sahabat dan orang-orang soleh dahulu tercapai.

Awal kurun Hijrah masih ada. Semua pemimpin Islam di Timur boleh mencuba melayakkan diri menjadi Putera Bani Tamim. Janji Allah mesti disambut dan direbut kalau kita mahu jadi hamba yang taat.

Contohilah Sahabat Nabi yang berlumba-lumba merebut janji Allah untuk menjadi ketua tentera yang baik, yang dapat

menawan kota Konstantinopel dari tangan Kristian. Mereka tidak diberitahu siapakah orangnya yang dikatakan ketua yang baik itu. Jadi mereka ingin merebutnya termasuklah Sayidina Abu Ayub Al Ansari yang umurnya sudah 90 tahun lebih, turut menuju ke kota Kristian itu. Kerana dia bukanlah orang yang dijanjikan itu. maka Sahabat itu syahid di tepi benteng kota tersebut. Mereka pun tidak berkecil hati kalau tidak jadi. Yang penting mereka merebut pahala yang Allah janjikan.

Rupa-rupanya orang yang dapat mengislamkan Konstantinopel ialah Muhammad Al Fateh. Maka itulah dia orang yang Rasulullah sabdakan ketua tentera yang baik. Rupa-rupanya ia terjadi 600 tahun sesudah tarikh ia disabdakan. Sahabat dan orang beriman sangat yakin dengan perkataan Rasulullah. Mereka tidak ragu atau tawar hati walaupun dicuba berkali-kali dan gagal. Mereka bukannya ragu bahkan makin ghairah mencari formula dan rahsianya. Orang yang ragu dengan janji Allah adalah orang yang lemah keyakinannya kepada kuasa Allah. Hatinya tidak cukup kuat untuk meyakini perkataan Allah. Teruji sedikit mudah bergoyang keyakinan. Sedangkan hati yang bersih dan kuat. ujian bukan menggoncang keyakinan, bahkan menguatkan keyakinan dan azamnya.

Segala apa yang saya tuliskan dalam bab ini adalah keyakinan saya. Kalau ada pembaca yang ragu tentang kebenarannya, saya harap bersaharlah untuk menunggu bersama saya. Yakni menunggu terjadinya daulah Islamiah tanpa melalui pilihan raya oleh Putera Bani Tamim. Sekiranya ia tidak terjadi dalam tempoh itu. barulah saudara boleh menyatakan ketidakyakinan anda dan mengisytiharkan kesilapan saya.

Kepada pemimpin Islam yang memperjuangkan Islam melalui pilihan raya, saya minta maaf kerana menyatakan jalan mereka itu bukan caranya untuk menjadi calon Putera Bani Tamim. Walau bagaimanapun saudara dan saya boleh mencuba dan sama-samalah kita menunggu hasilnya. Kiranya

Allah takdirkan kita orangnya, bersyukurlah. Kiranya orang lain, kita terima dan relalah untuk bersamanya. Jangan ber-kecil hati atau hasad dengki. Sebagai hamba Allah, kita tidak mempunyai Tuhan lain selain Allah dan kita juga tidak mempunyai bumi lain untuk dihuni. Maka kita redhalah dengan keputusan Allah. Moga-moga Allah redha dengan kita.

Chapter 12 : The Last Era That Is Promised

Soothsayers of many races using many languages and varied methods agree with the sayings of the Prophet (pbuh) about the last era. The last era is specifically for Islam. The most famous are the predictions of the Jewish, Christian and Javanese soothsayers.

Most people know about the predictions of Nostradamus (a French Jew) concerning the coming of a saviour that he mentioned as “the man with the blue turban”. A Dutch writer, G. H. Brill wrote in his book The First Encyclopaedia of Islam (1913) about the rise of Islam from the East by someone he called “the standard bearer of Mahdi”. And in an ancient and famous Javanese book known as Babad Jawa, there is mention about the coming of one “Ratu Adil” (Imam Mahdi) and “Satria Piningit” (The Prince of Bani Tamim) who will govern Indonesia and the Malay Archipelago with pure Islamic teachings.

Let me list out what the Javanese soothsayers said as explained by Permadi SH, head of the Indonesian Paranormal Foundation.

Permadi SH is a famous name in Indonesia. He said clearly that Satria Piningit is the person who will lead to Ratu Adil. Before him is Satria Kinunjara and Satria Mukti Wibawa. Satria Kinunjara is the one who spent most of his life in prison and who set Indonesia free from colonization. That was Soekarno. Permadi SH also said clearly that Satria Piningit is an admirer and he echoes the message of Soekarno. Satria Mukti Wibawa is a leader full of charisma who filled Indonesia’s independence. That was Soeharto. But Permadi SH also mentioned that Soeharto’s era was still an era of chaos and anarchy. There was no justice until the arrival of Satria Piningit.

Satria Piningit literally means a hidden warrior. He exists but appears non-existent. He is non-existent but appears to exist. This means he is protected by God. He is surrounded by tyranny and injustice like maggots crawling and creeping all over his body.

On one side, Satria Piningit has the good character of Soekarno. On the other side he has the good character of Soeharto. He is brave, vocal but calm and bound by strategy.

That is why Permadi SH said he is the combination of both Soekarno and Soeharto.

His arrival results in the merger of Malaysia and Indonesia. This is a continuation of the success of the Kingdom of Majapahit. That kingdom united the Malay Archipelago with the influence of Hindu and Buddhist religions. This time, the Malay Archipelago will unite under the banner of pure Islam. Permadi SH also mentioned this is the turn of the Malays to lead the world. The light of Islam will emerge from the Malay Archipelago and will brighten the whole world. The signs are already clear and the emergence of Satria Piningit is very near. He will emerge exactly at the time he is needed.

These predictions of Permadi SH are almost similar to the predictions of the Jewish Nostradamus and the writings of G. H. Brill. Verily Allah in His own way has spread this dazzling news about the rise of Islam in the last era to most races and languages of the world. Almost all races have heard about it. It is exciting and elating news to all Muslims. But to the enemies of Islam, they are wary and very sad.

But it will surely happen. Allah Himself promised that it will happen through the sayings (Hadith) of His Apostle. Let us see the particular Hadith that is almost 1500 years old now. It has survived a very long span of time to be inherited by Muslims of the last era at the end of time. Verily, Allah does not forget His servants among the followers of His Apostle in the last era, and hence for them Allah has reserved this Hadith which is crucial and very important. The Prophet said:

Which means: From Abdullah bin Mas’ud, he said: When we were with Rasulullah suddenly came a group of children from Bani Hashim. When Rasulullah saw them, both his eyes became wet with tears and his facial expression changed. So I asked, “Why do we see in your expression something that does not please you?” Rasulullah replied: “Allah Has chosen for us, Ahlul Bait (the family and descendants of Rasulullah), the Hereafter above the worldly. My descendants will face misfortune and expulsion after me until the arrival of a group of people from the East who will bring with them the Black ‘pennon’. They ask for goodness but goodness was not given to them. So they fought and struggled until in the end, they were assisted (by Allah) and they achieved success. They were given what they asked for. But they did not take it for themselves but they hand it (Islamic Nation) over to a man of my descendant who will fill the earth with justice the way it was filled with tyranny (before that). Whoever among you gets the news about him, go to them even if you have to crawl on snow. Verily he is Al Mahdi.” (Narrated by Ibnu Majah)

In another Hadith:

Which means: From Ibnu Umar r.a. that Rasulullah (pbuh), whilst holding the hand of Sayidina Ali, said: “It will emerge from this sulbi (basis of descendance), a man who will fill the earth with justice. And so, when you are convinced of such, you must endeavour to be with the Prince of Bani Tamim. Verily he comes from the East and he is the holder of the standards of Al Mahdi.” (Narrated by At-Tabrani)

For those who consider this a weak Hadith, I would like you to see what is happening in the East beginning from the early 15th Hijriah century. You will notice the revival of Islam in the Malay world that is growing and expanding although it is being hindered and obstructed. This is a strange phenomenon. Malays are becoming the best people in the practice of Islam and they are in the forefront of the Islamic struggle in the whole world today. It is not yet perfect, but is certainly progressing. This is no longer a secret. Although Islam was brought to the Malay Archipelago by Arab Traders more than 700 years ago, only now is Islam beginning to flourish in this region albeit in an era where the second age of ignorance has enveloped the whole world. Islam here did not die nor did it perish although it is was colonized and its enemies tried to kill it countless times.

This is the last era that is promised by Allah. With the will of Allah, the resplendence of Islam from the East in this last era will be a repetition of the first resplendence, and the first empire of Islam. It is promised. It is within the power of Allah to make the East the foundation of the second empire of Islam (ummah) similar to the way Allah chose Mecca and Medina to be the foundation for the first empire of Islam.

It is clear that the last era mentioned in the Hadith is somewhere around the 15th Hijriah century. And the East means the Malay Archipelago and in particular Malaysia, Indonesia and its surroundings. The revival of Islam in Malaysia is much more pronounced. This is based upon the Hadith which is concurred by the predictions of the soothsayers mentioned before this. The story goes as follows: At the time Islam is destroyed and devastated in the Malay World (East), there raised a man promised by Allah to reform and save His religion. He is of Quraish descent from the family line of Bani Tamim. But his Arab characteristic is very thin because Arabs who came to the East inter married with the locals (non Arabs). So it is little wonder the Prince of Bani Tamim does not look like an Arab.

As far as the Prince of Bani Tamim is concerned, the Prophet did not mention his line of descent but elaborated upon his physical traits, the characteristics of his struggle and his followers. That is why, in order to seek the promised Prince of Bani Tamim, we have to observe the style and methods of his struggle and not his line of descent.

He started his struggle with a small group or jamaah which later became big. The characteristics of his group or jamaah are very much similar to the jamaah of the Prophet. Its women wear dark loose dresses. Its men folk wear the long robe and turban. Followers of the group or jamaah are firmly united and integrated as though they are born of the same mother and father. Their ambitions and aspirations are high and strong. If they wish to flatten a mountain, they can surely do it. The Prophet (pbuh) said in a Hadith that the Angel Gabriel said.

Which means: “Allah Azzawajala gathered together his companions (Al Mahdi) the total of those who fought at Badar and the soldiers of Thalut (Saul) that is 313 men. They are like lions that emerge from the jungle. Their hearts are like steel. If they aspire to displace a mountain, they can surely do it. Their style is one and their dress is one as though their father is one.” (From the book Aqdud Durar fi Akhbar Al Muntazar 1985)

The Prince of Bani Tamim asked for goodness from the ruler of his country but it was not given. He and his followers carried on their struggle until the leadership of the country was handed over to him. This means the small group (jamaah) has grown to become an Islamic nation.

There is also a Hadith that says the leadership of the Prince of Bani Tamim is also accepted in Khurasan. The Hadith is issued by Al Hafiz Abu Nuaim.

Which means: From Sauban r.a., he said, Rasulullah said:

“When you see the Black Pennon accepted in Khurasan, then go to it even if you have to crawl on snow. Verily, with it is the Caliph of Allah who is Al Mahdi.”

In another narration:

Which means: From Sauban r.a, who said, Rasulullah (pbuh) said:

“When you see the Black Pennon from Khurasan, go to it. Verily with it is the Caliph of Allah who is Al Mahdi.” (Narrated by Ahmad)

The impossible has happened. Khurasan which was under the rule of communist Russia has gained its independence and the Eastern Islamic movement has been to the area. What is said in the Hadith is about to happen. How true is the saying of the Prophet.

When the Prince of Bani Tamim gets his Islamic nation, then a short while later (in the span of two years), Al Mahdi will emerge. His name and the name of both his father and mother is similar to the Prophet’s. His name is Muhammad bin Abdullah and his mother’s name is Aminah. In relation to Al Mahdi, the Prophet mentioned him as his descendant.

Therefore the factor of descent is important in the case of Al Mahdi because it is stated in the Hadith, unlike the Prince of Bani Tamim who is indicated by his physical traits and the characteristics of his struggle and of his followers. The Prince of Bani Tamim is close to Al Mahdi, much like Prophet Aaron was to the Apostle Moses. He hands over his nation to the Al Mahdi. The emergence of Al Mahdi and the surrender of the Black Pennon by the Prince of Bani Tamim to Al Mahdi is clearly mentioned in the Hadith. Al Mahdi will emerge in Mecca between Hajar Aswad (the black stone) and the shrine of Abraham (maqam Ibrahim) near the Kaaba. He will declare himself as the Al Mahdi while long before his emergence, the Prince of Bani Tamim has announced and publicised his appearance. The Prince of Bani Tamim knows the Al Mahdi very well. Here we realise that the emergence of the Al Mahdi must be preceded by the Prince of Bani Tamim. Otherwise, he is not the true Al Mahdi.

The handing over of his nation by the Prince of Bani Tamim to Imamul Mahdi is symbolised by the surrendering of the Black Pennon. The Black Pennon is merely a symbol. In actual fact it is a sword once owned by the Prophet who presented it to Sayidina Ali. The sword is named “Zulfakar”.

When the Al Mahdi rise to power, Islam will spread throug- hout the world. But a big portion of the world’s population will not embrace Islam until the emergence of the Apostle Isa (Jesus). After the emergence of Isa (Jesus), the whole world and all mankind will embrace Islam. Global peace will ensue under the governance of the three leaders namely:

i. The Prince of Bani Tamim – who will rule for almost two years

ii. The Imamul Mahdi – who will rule for about forty years

iii. And with the blessing of Allah, He sent the Apostle Isa (Jesus) who will confirm and authenticate Al Mahdi so that all mankind will embrace Islam. No one will question or reject Isa (Jesus) and when he accepts Al Mahdi, all mankind will follow to accept him and will embrace Islam. Mankind will be saved from the fires of Hell. That is the blessing of God for all mankind in the last era.

In the era of Imam Mahdi, war will occur six times. But it will be fought the traditional way; not the modern way with modern weaponry like in the Gulf War which destroyed mankind, buildings and life stock which had nothing to do with the war. It will only involve people who partake in the war, much like wars in the times of the Prophet. All the wars will be initiated by tyrannical rulers of Europe and the Middle East. Islam will be defeated in one and will be victorious in five of the wars.

History will repeat itself. We are fortunate because out of Allah’s love and benevolence, we are told about the future and things that will happen. So we can prepare ourselves.

Much like the events that will happen after death, in the Purgatory (Barzakh), in the Plain of Assembly (Mahshar), and in Heaven and Hell. Everything is told to us so that we will not regret. It is a great gain and benefit for those who are bestowed faith and belief of the mystical. It is a great loss for those who disbelief.

This second revival of Islam does not follow the system or process of political elections. Islam has its own system. The Prophet choose a different system from the system of his time to bring up and to raise Islam. He did it through dakwah (missionary work) and education using the divine revelations and the Hadith. His approach was through love, care, brotherhood and fraternity. When the hearts and minds of people are processed through divine revelations which are heartfelt and supreme, there will be an overall shift in the hearts and minds of people and of the society towards the truth and virtue that will bring about an Islamic nation followed by an Islamic Empire.

The Prince of Bani Tamim too closely emulates the Prophet’s style and methods of struggle. Because he is a promised leader indicated by the Hadith, he is guaranteed sustenance, divine inspirations and given divine powers (karamah) and mystical assistance that can help him revive a religion that is almost destroyed. As such he is able to build and uphold a true Islamic government similar to the governments of the Salafussoleh (the pious Muslims of early Islam) with the help and assistance of Allah. An Islamic leader who is not promised and who is not bestowed special help and assistance from Allah will not be able to achieve success like the promised leaders.

The question now is how does the Prince of Bani Tamim acquire a nation without going through the process of political elections while at the same time he does not have the aspiration to lead a nation or to become its ruler. It will happen purely because of the promise and the wish of Allah. Although the Prince of Bani Tamim do not want the leadership of a nation and he does not work towards it, but Allah will still give it to him. This happened to the first Mujaddid Caliph Umar Abdul Aziz. He did not want the power to rule but Allah still gave it to him and he was forced to accept it. Allah can do it any way He likes. We cannot envisage with our common minds how He would do it. He can take from and give power to anyone He likes. He decreed in the Quran:

Which means:

“Say (Oh Muhammad): ‘Oh Allah? Possessor of the kingdom. You give the kingdom to whom You will, and You take the kingdom from whom You will, and You endue with honour whom You will, and You humiliate whom You will. In Your hand is good. Verily, You are able to do all things’.” (Ali Imran: 26)

That the Prince of Bani Tamim is able to Islamise a nation and the wholeMalay archipelago and will be continued by Imam Mahdi and the Apostle Isa (Jesus) who will Islamise the whole world. This is a famous story. It is said and known by people of various races and religions in the world. It is a special promise from Allah and his Apostle for Muslims of the last era. It can happen quite easily.

The next question is who is the Prince of Bani Tamim? And who is Imam Mahdi?

To know this, let us all wait and see. The Islamic leader from the East who will rule and govern an Islamic nation in the region with pure Islamic politics and administration with peace and harmony in the early part of the 15th Hijriah century, he is the Prince of Bani Tamim. And to whom the Prince of Bani Tamim hands over his nation, he is the Imam Mahdi. Let us all pray (doa) so that the promise of Allah will occur for us. So that our longing to live in an Islamic nation like the Companions of the Prophet and the pious people of early Islam will come true.

The early part of the Hijriah century is still here. All Muslim leaders in the East can try to be the Prince of Bani Tamim. We must respond to the promise of Allah if we want to be an obedient servant.

We should emulate the Companions of the Prophet who rushed to realise the promise of Allah to be the good military leader who would capture Constantinople from the Christians as said by the Prophet. They were not told who the good military leader was. So they wanted to try to be him including Sayidina Abu Ayub Al Ansari who was then more than 90 years old. He advanced towards Constantinople and because he was not the promised one, he died a martyr beside the walls of the city. They were not disappointed if they failed. What is important is to fight for what Allah has promised and to gain His forgiveness and acceptance. Not trying is much worse than failing.

History proved that the person who succeeded to Islamise Constantinople was Muhammad Al Fateh. He was the one that the Prophet said was the good military leader. It happened 600 years after the Prophet said it. The companions and the faithful truly believed in what the Prophet said. They never doubted or feel daunted even if they tried and failed countless times. Not only did they not doubt but they try intensely to find the formula and the secret to achieve success. People who doubt the promise of Allah are people whose belief in the power of Allah is weak. Their hearts are not strong enough. With the slightest tests, their confidence is shaken. Whereas for people with clean, pure and strong hearts, tests and tribulations do not shake their confidence but will only strengthen their will and determination.

Everything that I write in this chapter is my belief. If there are any readers who doubt its truth, I hope they can be patient and wait for the emergence of an Islamic nation by the Prince of Bani Tamim. He will do it without having to go through political elections. If it does not happen within the time frame that I have mentioned, then you can say you do not believe me and you can declare me wrong.

To Islamic leaders who fight for Islam through political elections, I ask for forgiveness for saying that theirs is not the way to be a candidate for the post of the Prince of Bani Tamim. Nonetheless, you and I can try and let us see the outcome. If Allah destined that we are the chosen leader, then we should be thankful. If not, we should accept whoever is chosen by Allah and be with him. Let us not feel hurt or be envious and spiteful. As a servant of Allah, we have no God other than Allah and we have no place other than this earth to inhabit. So we should accept the decision of Allah Who is our God and Who owns this earth. Hopefully Allah too will forgive and accept us.